Monday, January 24, 2011

Two amazing "secrets" to fat loss

For those of you who are not in camp with us at the moment, but are interested in two very basic easy ways to ensure that you lose body fat, gain muscle and stay fit, healthy, strong, happy and lean please read the posting below. This is just one of the daily/weekly encouragement and informational emails that our campers get as they journey along with us during each 4 week boot camp session. If you are currently working out on your own, you can increase your body fat loss and muscle gain results by turning up the intensity and shortening the duration during your workouts . You can support that body fat loss and muscle gain by clean healthy, whole food based nutrition and allowing your body to rest and recover properly. Check out the posting and please let me know what you think in the comments section below. If you want someone to help you get lean and strong in addition to telling you how and what to eat on a daily basis...and track your calories for you, then come try our boot camp for Two Free days. We offer unlimited classes 6 days per week for around $30/week ($5.31/day). Register here: and check out for more great fitness and nutrition tips. Here's the email that went out to all of our campers:

"Welcome to week three and congrats on a great workout today! As we progress through the weeks and months ahead, you will notice that your body is adjusting. You are becoming leaner, stronger and your endurance is increasing. Your clothing is fitting more loosely, you're  more mentally alert and you just feel all the way around: Stronger!

For you new campers, this adjustment will  likely be more noticeable and dramatic than for you repeat campers. Pushups, suicides, floppy burpees, jump squats and star jumpers (need I go on… :o) …?) are easier than when you first began, and this is where “secret” # 1 comes in.

“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.”
John Maxwell

Your body doesn’t necessarily like to be in a state of flux, it tends to like homeostasis. Think about this in the context of Newton’s Law of Motion. A body at rest stays at rest and so on. Well, your body likes to remain at rest and in a “comfort zone” (this is all related to a very old survival mechanism) and unless you take active measures to get your body outside of that comfort zone, change will not occur (body fat loss and muscle tissue gain). The degree to which your body changes is up to you. The harder you push yourself while at camp (or during any workout), and the more you prepare yourself mentally to let your body be pushed is exactly the degree to which you will become leaner and stronger. If you are "comfortable" when working out, then you probably aren't accomplishing much from a fat loss and muscle gain standpoint. Bottom line is, it’s up to you! This week, now that you know what you are capable of, lets really focus on getting outside of your comfort zone and letting yourself discover what you are really capable of. Your lean toned body starts with the amount of effort that you put in each day!

So, “secret #1” is: The amount of intensity that you put in while at camp (or during any workout) forces your body to change, burn body fat, and become stronger – faster. What’s secret # 2 to fat loss success? Secret # 2 deals with how you allow your body to repair from those intense workouts. Secret number two can be broken down into two parts. Nutrition and Rest. As you know we place a tremendous focus on nutrition, because without it all the boot camp/working out in the world won’t help you become leaner and healthier in the long run. For simplicity sake, this week lets focus on whole food nutrition and consistent eating – which means eating at least Five, 200 to 300 calorie daily meals with the majority of your calories (40%) being derived from lean protein sources. Cut out the processed food (this means restaurant and prepackaged or pre-made food) as much as possible. Most of it contains “stuff” which your body does not recognize as food. Additionally, processed food is very calorie dense and very nutrient deplete. Your body is starving for good nutrition but only getting empty calories, and this leads to weight gain. Americans are some of the most over weight, under nourished people on the planet and processed food is the reason why. Avoid it at ALL costs. Food is meant for fuel, not for entertainment (I like to say "eater-tainment"). The second part of secret #2 is allowing your body to rest, repair and recover. You need 8 hours of sleep per night…every night. When you do this you allow your body to reset its hormone levels and repair damaged cells. Without proper rest, you will likely not be able to lose body fat, and keep it off.

Finally, maintaining a high intensity level while at boot camp, eating properly...following your weekly nutrition plans...and getting adequate rest while away from boot camp means TAKING THE TIME TO TAKE CARE OF YOU. Don’t skip over that last sentence. Here it is again: TAKE THE TIME TO TAKE CARE OF YOU. When you don’t take time out for yourself, everything around you suffers. You deserve to be centered, happy, rested and focused. When you feel strong, fit, healthy, and well rested – then…and only then, can you truly be the person whom you were meant to be."

For more fitness and nutrition information like this please visit:

Tim Kaderli
Founder and CEO of Motivation and Inspiration.

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