Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This Makes You Fat

These two amazing articles about processed food are a great resource for exactly why you want to avoid it at all costs. Remember processed food is not REAL FOOD (lean beef, eggs, chicken, fish, vegetables, fruits, whole grains like quinoa and oatmeal etc) that your body can use to repair cells, support proper hormone levels and help you stay fit, strong, healthy and lean. Processed “food” is usually pre-made, pre packaged food that not only has a long list of ingredients which you would not recognize as actual food (like food dyes and additives which are made from petro-chemicals). It comes “ready to eat” in a box or out of a drive through window, and can actually rob your body on vital nutrients while packing pounds from empty calories on your waistline.

But don’t take our word for it. Check out these two articles:

How do you avoid processed food? Take the time to prepare your meals. It will save you money, time and help you LOSE BODY FAT. If you are eating processed, pre packaged foods you are actively sabotaging your fitness results, health and well being. Need a place to start? Here ya go: Weekly Meal Plan

Want more great info like this?

Tim Kaderli
Synergy Fitness Boot Camp
CEO of Motivation and Inspiration

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