Friday, October 22, 2010

3 Do It NOW strategies for permanent weight loss and bonus meal plan.

As you know, I believe in the K.I.S.S. principle when it comes to eating. So let’s look at three easy steps that you can start to do RIGHT NOW, which will help you permanently maintain a lean toned body. We all have abs…but remember, what good are they if you can’t see them?! Here is an excerpt from    

"It’s estimated that around 80% of those who have lost weight in the past … gain it all back (and more) after 2 years.
Losing weight is actually easy.
Maintaining that loss is the hard part.
So how can you lose and maintain your weight loss permanently??
When looking at data from the National Weight Control Registry — a registry of 1000’s of people who have lost and maintained a 60 lb loss for 5+ years, they have many common traits.
  1. People who have successfully lost and maintained their weight loss keep food records.
  2. They exercise about 60 minutes/day, 5 days/week.  That means less sitting during the day and more movement, along with structured exercise. […like Boot Camp] 
  3. They eat breakfast, daily
So, yeah, those 3 things sound insanely basic … but with around 80% of the population gaining and losing repeatedly, it’s apparently not as commonplace as it should be."

Any of that sound familiar? For the regular readers here and those who take boot camp every day, it should. It just requires one key ingredient: action. Here is a meal plan which can help keep your metabolism humming and support that lean toned muscle that you work so hard at boot camp to develop every day.

Meal 1:                                                                
One corn tortilla                                             
¼ cup of black beans                                     
1/3 cup onion, chopped                               
1 green pepper, chopped
3 – 4 egg whites
1 oz cheese
3 tbs avocado

Meal 2:                                                               
EAS Myoplex – Lite                                   

Meal 3:                                                                
3 oz tuna                                                          
3 tsp light mayo                                             
1 slice bread                                                      
½ apple                                                              
Meal 4:                                                                
EAS Myoplex – Lite                                        

Meal 5:                                                                
3 oz chicken breast (baked or grilled)     
1.5 oranges                                                        
3 macadamia nuts

If you like this, please see for more info. Or, jump in for two free days and find out for yourself how good it is to look and feel - Great!                        


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